Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Soy, Muy Latte

fighting the writing against music replayed
spayed cats and rats
tangled in the blue-green stream
of consciousness
losing the lips
prying them off onto sweaty-sex palms
and doors unopened, reclosed
when more roses bloom then sigh
i lied,
about wanting nothing more than
your son-of-a-whore daughter
naked, on a stoop

recap the nights with lights and bike racks
sacks of paper chain-mail poppin locks and

rocket ships sailing in the nets--
flailing the letter you swallowed whole
digging farther than you thought

Monday, November 16, 2009


You pinched the high frequency,
the strand of silk that carried the self,
until it was lost
in the infinitesimal wrinkles of your fingerprint.
You pulled at my eyelashes,
until each
until the pigments in my eyes dissipated
to the back of my dead-weight mind.
You plucked out each bone until I lay,
a pile of thickly delicate skin.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Thursday, August 27, 2009

see-me-(n)ow (for parker)

"who pooped on this"
mixed with foolish pride
no rhyme
ing today, nuts nuts in a bowls
swollen throats&&goats
"""before you came"
into this world
into this girl
there was a boy with a curly face
unknown race
thoughts pouring out of my eyez
recieve the fliers
i'm given out
(not so easily, more feesibly)
seems to me
life is a roller coaster of voices,
so many choices hoisting my mind
into the air

the devil will come in my room.
and eat.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

zashama-koobahsheena (for zach)

what is inspiration?
perspiration - sweat drop down my balls
ball-oons, baboons
crawling on the ground
inch by inch
we move closer to the edge
sonic zoom - ba
(flash of light)
lost sight of importance: portable instance
I could never surrender
thoughts unheard
preparations necessary
what you IS NOT is what is to be

Response to Death of Ted Ken-Ken (for Phoebe)

keeping heads, tails, up like acrobats
A-CROW-BAT, beats a crow
light or sight-interference????
sunglasses everyday, living the way
life happens
the only way to take it.
going against all obstacles, popsicles.
TO THE FULLEST- wax and wane
you're upper lips (2 sets, 4 layers)
pulling me farther from the seeds i've sown
shown you
how to
fight for the site of happening;
stuffing your bags
chubby cheeks breakin chairs in corners unseen
challenge the extra mile of hopeful-less
don't mess with my best! LOL!
eating glass like paper cones or ice or snow
al gore, so so environ-mental
(envy ron's men ta tas)
clockwork against the wind.
blowing hats and socks and feathers and little items away

next steve: (for steve)

Noticing the hidden lines

Behind the signs

That we perceive, perfection

As life-living, site-seeing, keep-bleeding

“hold me closer---

tiny, small, baby fetus


dance the night away

play the games they play, paying hoes

with butterfliiiiez.

into the light, rainbows


Underground chambers



don't believe in the boundaries they give to you;

bounded to yourself

live everyday with no tomorrow, = fly upwards to the skiiz


