Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Response to Death of Ted Ken-Ken (for Phoebe)

keeping heads, tails, up like acrobats
A-CROW-BAT, beats a crow
light or sight-interference????
sunglasses everyday, living the way
life happens
the only way to take it.
going against all obstacles, popsicles.
TO THE FULLEST- wax and wane
you're upper lips (2 sets, 4 layers)
pulling me farther from the seeds i've sown
shown you
how to
fight for the site of happening;
stuffing your bags
chubby cheeks breakin chairs in corners unseen
challenge the extra mile of hopeful-less
don't mess with my best! LOL!
eating glass like paper cones or ice or snow
al gore, so so environ-mental
(envy ron's men ta tas)
clockwork against the wind.
blowing hats and socks and feathers and little items away

1 comment:

  1. kathryn this is ART. hahah i love it so much can't wait to hear it in person environ men ta tas
